субота, 7 травня 2016 р.

Ukraine (підготовка до ДПА)

Ukraine is a beautiful country in the centre of Europe. It was it's own territory, national emblem and anthem. Its area is 603,700 square kilometres. The Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains are the most famous Ukrainian mountains. The major rivers are the Dnipro, the Dnister, the Bug. Swityaz is the largest lake in Ukraine.  Ukrainian people are famous for their hospitality and kindness. We have some economic problems, but now we are trying to deal with them. Our country has very rich culture and long history.
Now Ukraine is building it's new management. The geographical position of the country is good for economic relationship with many European states.  Ukrainians believe that Ukraine will become prosperous and successful in the nearest future and do everything for this.

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